Saturday The 14th: The Battle of The Bastards

Posted by Ruben Escalona on

The Battle of the Bastards: A Remembrance of Waldemar vs. Van Helsing

Saturday the 14th: The Day Legends Clashed to Save the World

Today marks a somber yet powerful day in history—Saturday the 14th, the fateful day when two of the greatest forces ever to walk this earth faced off in a battle that shook the heavens and decided the fate of the world. As we gather our thoughts, we remember the clash between Waldemar and Van Helsing, the day light and darkness collided, and the cost of their epic struggle reverberates even today.

The Origins of Conflict

Waldemar, a warrior with a dark past, was no stranger to the supernatural. Born of cursed blood, he walked the line between human and beast. Some called him a bastard child of the night, a force not to be reckoned with but one whose presence always hinted at chaos. Yet, somewhere deep inside him, a spark of humanity remained, one that burned against the chains of his fate.

On the other hand, Abraham Van Helsing was a man of unyielding will and righteous fury, sworn to rid the world of creatures like Waldemar. Descended from a long line of vampire hunters, his mission was clear: no beast of the night should be allowed to walk the Earth unpunished. But what Van Helsing didn’t know, or perhaps refused to see, was that Waldemar was not like the others. He was not driven by hunger or malice; he fought his own nature just as hard as he fought his enemies.

And yet, on that fateful Saturday the 14th, their paths crossed in an epic battle for the fate of the world, with evil forces pulling the strings in the background.

The Battle Begins

It was a stormy night—dark clouds boiled overhead, and the earth trembled beneath their feet as Waldemar stood alone on the battleground. A figure carved from shadows and fire, he carried the weight of his curse in his eyes. His mission was clear: stop the rising evil from consuming the world. But as the wind howled through the trees, another figure emerged from the darkness. Van Helsing had arrived, cloaked in righteousness, his eyes gleaming with the fire of vengeance.

The moment they locked eyes, the world seemed to hold its breath. Two bastards of fate—one cursed, the other bound by duty—stood on the brink of destiny. The battle was inevitable.

With a cry of fury, Van Helsing attacked, his silver sword flashing through the night. But Waldemar was fast, faster than any mortal man, dodging the strike with the agility of a predator. The two clashed, steel meeting claw, as the air was filled with the sounds of battle.

Waldemar fought with everything he had, not just against Van Helsing, but against the darkness inside him. Each blow he landed on the hunter sent waves of guilt through him, while every strike Van Helsing delivered brought him closer to fulfilling his duty. The fight was brutal, raw, and primal.

The Darkness Unleashed

But this wasn’t just a battle of fists and fangs; it was a battle for the very soul of humanity. Unbeknownst to Van Helsing, Waldemar wasn’t just fighting for his life, but for the world. A dark force, older than either of them, had risen, and only Waldemar had the power to stop it. But his time was running out. The beast within him threatened to take control.

The climax of the battle came when Van Helsing, bloodied but unyielding, struck Waldemar down with a devastating blow. For a moment, it seemed as though the battle was over. But as Van Helsing raised his sword for the final strike, something stopped him. He saw the torment in Waldemar’s eyes, the struggle to maintain control over his monstrous nature, and in that moment, Van Helsing hesitated.

It was a split-second decision that changed everything.

In that moment of mercy, Waldemar seized his chance. With a primal roar, he unleashed the last of his strength, not on Van Helsing, but on the ancient evil that had been pulling the strings all along. He drove his claws into the ground, channeling the dark power that cursed him and banishing the evil force back to the shadows from which it came.

But the victory came at a price.

A Price Paid in Blood

Waldemar collapsed, his body broken, his spirit shattered. The evil had been vanquished, but so too had the man who had fought so valiantly to save the world. Van Helsing, standing over his fallen foe, realized the truth—Waldemar had never been his enemy. They were both bastards of fate, bound by forces beyond their control, yet in the end, Waldemar had chosen the path of sacrifice.

With a heavy heart, Van Helsing knelt beside Waldemar, offering a final prayer for the man who had saved the world at the cost of his own life.

The Legacy of the Battle

Today, we remember not just the battle that took place so many years ago, but the sacrifice that saved us all. Saturday the 14th will forever be a day of remembrance, a day to honor Waldemar, the cursed warrior who defied his fate, and Van Helsing, the hunter who found redemption in mercy.

Their story is one of pain and sacrifice, but it is also one of hope—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, we have the power to choose our path. As we honor their legacy, we are reminded that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not with weapons, but with the choices we make.

So on this Saturday the 14th, light a candle, tell their story, and remember: even bastards can be heroes.


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